SSS will be held in Spring 2021.
The Importance to Society: Decisions and Planning Need Science
- When is science relevant
- Belief in a common, shared reality
Science’s View of Reality
- Our senses and instrumentation
- Systematic and Statistical Uncertainty and ”Scientific Optimism”
Causal Reasoning: Why Statistics?
- Causal Reasoning 1: Correlation and Causation, “variables” and “interventions”, reliability (reproducibility) and validity
- Finding signal in noise
- Seeing patterns in random noise
- False positives/negatives
Calculus of Tentative Propositions
- Assigning Credence levels to propositions and using them
- Calibration of Credence levels
Sanity Checks
- Orders of understanding
- Fermi problems
“Cold” Biases
- Heuristics
- Biases
- Heuristics vs. Biases
“Hot” Biases and Other Topics
- Mismeasure of man; science and ethics
- Pathological science and Pseudoscience
Synthesis of Topics
- Cross Examination of an Expert Witness
- Causal Reasoning 2: Singular and General Causation, Direct and Indirect Causation
Recognizing Biases and “Good Practice”
- Confirmatory biases in the search for evidence
- Blind Analysis
Group Thinking
- Wisdom of Crowds vs. Herd Thinking
- Ways that groups fall short of their optimal ability and ways to do better
- Integrating Fact and Value
Can we do Better Together?
- Deliberative Polling
- Scenario Planning